RARIS - Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia
Description of the association
Raris was founded in 2007 by municipalities: Majdanpek, Bor, Kladovo, Zajecar, Knjazevac, Boljevac and Sokobanja, the Regional Chamber of Commerce from Zajecar, the Zajecar Road Company, the Timocki Club and the Faculty for the Managment from Zajecar.
The vision of RARIS is balanced regional development of Serbia.
RARIS aims to support development initiatives based on institutional networking and partnerships aimed at the sustainable development of eastern Serbia.
The main activities of RARIS are:
1. Identification of regional projects
2. Activities on regional projects,
3. Preparation and implementation of projects
4. Promotion and networking
5. Lobbying and representation of interests
6. Education and training
One of the activities of RARIS is focused on rural development. RARIS has established a network for rural development in the region that enhances the potential for rural development in this part of Serbia and improves the flow of information between the local and central level as well as in the region itself. In this context, RARIS worked primarily on:
- ensuring access to information of importance for rural areas,
- demonstrating examples of good practice and encouraging creativity and acquiring new knowledge,
- creating conditions for the development and use of existing potentials.
Since 16 May 2011, RARIS is the first officially accredited RDA in Serbia under the Law on Regional Development.
Contact person
Contact phone