Association of citizens "NIMBUS"
Description of the association
The association "NIMBUS" from Loznica was founded in November 2005.
The mission of the Association is to promote and encourage the implementation of advanced and innovative solutions that enhance and enrich life in the countryside; solutions in the field of sustainable development of the rural environment.
Evaluating the social value of the village and its operation by bringing the urban population closer to the rural way of life;
Vision: Sustainable, productive socially satisfied communities of Western Serbia, whose inhabitants have a developed sense of belonging and solidarity, actively participating in the common good. Production of healthy food, economically profitable, which promotes human health and nature conservation, with the rational use of natural resources.
Objectives: develop partnerships with institutions and other associations, advocate for improving the system of agriculture with emphasis on environmental benefits and increased sustainability.
Empower consumers to care for their health while preserving nature, as well as preserving and empowering communities.
To serve as a source for the public, policy makers, farmers and all those interested in the development of agriculture while respecting the principles of sustainable development.
Members of our association have launched an initiative for forming a partnership between the public, private and civil sector, have been involved in the process of animation and partnership building, they have led the process of drafting a strategic document that led to the creation of a potential Local Action Group "Drina". LAG "Drina" covers the territory of nine rural communities.
Area of activity
Protection of the environment and rational management and use of natural resources, development and cooperation with the civil sector.
Contact person
Contact phone