Trening “Analiza politika ruralnog razvoja”

On December 15th and 16th, 2016, in Banja Vrujci was held training on topic “Policy research and analysis”. The training was organized within the framework of the project "ALTER - Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas" funded by the European Union. The project is implemented at the national level by the Network for rural development of Serbia.
The training was attended by representatives of member organizations of the Network for rural development of Serbia, as well as colleagues from the Rural Development Networks of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.

During the 2 days of training, were presented theoretical knowledge on rural development policy analysis to participants. After that they worked in groups, with each group selecting a specific topic for rural development policy analysis. Each group presented its analysis in the plenary session.

At the end of the training, participants were presented with examples of policy analysis practices from the country and the region.


Trening “Analiza politika ruralnog razvoja”
Trening “Analiza politika ruralnog razvoja”