Training "Financial management and procurement"

In the period from 2nd to 4th July 2019 in the hotel "Šumarice" in Kragujevac, a training on the topic "Financial management and procurement" was held.
The training was conducted within the Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy project (NAGE) funded by the EU, where the Rural Development Network of Serbia is one of the partners.

Training was attended by over 20 representatives of CSOs from Serbia. Training was provided by coaches Aleksandra Velimanović (Nimbus - Loznica), Marko Cvijnović (RC Sova - Sremska Mitrovica) and Dejan Čupić (Jelašnica - Niška Banja) - all members of the Rural Development Network Serbia, which have undergone training on this topic in Skopje.

The training was realized in several sessions in order to present the participants as much as possible in all aspects related to procurement and financial management in CSOs.
- Procurement as a necessity in program / project management
- Basic principles of procurement procedures
- Short description of PRAG.
- What procedure to use for which procurement.
- Types of tender dossiers
- Other phases of procurement procedure after preparation of the tender dossier - Evaluation & Contracting.
- Financial flows and general principles of eligibility (EU funded projects)
- Development of financial analysis
- Financial internal control, documentation and record keeping, asset management, cash management and bank management, accounting
- Preparation of Budget.
- Budget documentation
- Financial reporting

In addition to the theoretical part of the training, the participants were divided into groups and practicing the implementation of certain types of procurement, budget preparation and financial reporting in CSOs.


Trening “Finansijski menadžment i nabavke”
Trening “Finansijski menadžment i nabavke”
Trening “Finansijski menadžment i nabavke”
Trening “Finansijski menadžment i nabavke”
Trening “Finansijski menadžment i nabavke”