Implemented the training of trainers “Role of LAGs in employment marginalized groups”
The training of trainers "Role of LAGs in employment marginalized groups" was implemented on 26th and 27th March 2019 in Durres (Albania). This activity is part of the project “Innovative Support to employment of Rural marginalized groups – SyneRgi” financed by the Visegrad International Fund. Its implementation is performed by the consortium of non-governmental networks and organisations from Western Balkan and Visegrad countries.
The project activity training of trainers "Role of LAGs in employment marginalized groups" was organized for 12 represents from Western Balkan Rural Development networks (2 from each country). The training, provided by 2 trainers Monika Slaninova from VIDA SK and Zuzana Guthová from Regional Association of the National Network of LAGs Czech Republic, South Bohemia.
During the training participants have opportunity to improve knowledge about role of LAGs in employment marginalized groups and possibility to use multi-funding approaches in planning and using different funds to support local initiatives. Also participants has opportunity to learn about experience of Visegrad countries about identification of marginalized groups in LAG territory, identification his needs and planning measures to support marginalized groups.
The project importance reflects in the fact that is supported networking of stakeholders from Western Balkan countries and Visegrad countries. Also the mentioned topics have great importance for the development of the Western Balkan and their implementation ensures the compliance with European standards and experiences.