Green Caravan 2019 - Round Table “Green Construction as a Chance for Decarbonisation of the Construction Sector”
On Thursday 10.10.2019 in Paracin, a roundtable “Green Building as a Chance to Decarbonize the Construction Sector” was held as a part of the “Green Caravan 2019” activity carried out as part of the “NAGE project” (Project is financed by the European Union) implemented by the Network for Rural Development of Serbia.
The organization of this event was financially supported by the Ministry of Environment through the project “Caravan of the Green Economy“ implemented by the Network for Rural Development of Serbia and the CRH Company through the project "Bioconcrete in the function of decarbonisation of of the Construction Sector" implemented by organization UNEKOOP from Paracin.
Panelists at the round table were representatives of the Faculty of Applied Ecology “FUTURA”, Business Association of the Cement Industry of Serbia, CSO “Novi put” and UNEKOOP.
During the roundtable, representatives of the civil sector, economy, local self-government units and students of the Faculty "FUTURA" were presented with a strategic framework and examples of good practice in the field of decarbonisation of the construction sector at the global and local level:
- EU directives and strategies in the field of reducing CO2 emissions in the process of construction of buildings;
- Reducing the carbon footprint of cement by reducing the proportion of clinker in Portland cement;
- Substitution of fossil fuels with other types of energy and contribution to reducing CO2 emissions;
- Increasing energy efficiency and using alternative fuels;
- An innovative approach to the use of miscanthus and industrial hemp bio-based concrete to mitigate the negative impact on the environment and the climate;
- The chances of developing a green economy and creating green jobs;
- Energy efficiency in construction of buildings;
- State support for investments in buildings that are supplied with renewable energy, as well as to encourage the preparation of waste as energy.
In addition to lectures and panel sessions, participants had the opportunity to actively participate in the discussion and ask the lecturers questions about the topics presented.