Training "Advocacy, lobbying, networking and constituents’ empowerment"
In the period from 8th to 10th April 2019 in the hotel "Šumarice" in Kragujevac, a training on the topic "Advocacy, lobbying, networking and constituents’ empowerment" was held.
The training was conducted within the Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy project (NAGE) funded by the EU, where the Rural Development Network of Serbia is one of the partners.
Training was attended by 25 representatives of CSOs from Serbia. Training was provided by coache Aleksandra Velimanović from NGO Nimbus, Loznica which have undergone training on this topic in Skopje on ToT.
The training was realized in 8 sessions in order to present the participants as much as possible in all aspects related to advocacy, lobbying, networking and constituents’ empowerment.
- Concepts and principles of partnership building and networking
- Identification of shared vision and objectives
- Creation of institutional map
- Cycle of influencing policy creation and concepts of advocacy and lobbying
- CLASP principles of policy influencing and level of involvement of the constituents
- Key stakeholders in the process of influencing policy creation
- Mapping of the policy making process and selection of advocacy and lobbying approach
- Designing key advocacy and lobbying messages
In addition to the theoretical part of the training, the participants were divided into groups and practicing techniques of advocacy and lobbying.