The multi-national thematic meeting within the ALTER programme
This multi-national thematic meeting between CSO Networks in the Western Balkan countries and countries within the EU is a part of the project to ensure intensive dialogue with EU institutions and CSO networks with relevant experience within the EU.
The thematic meeting was organised in Peć from 30th October to 1st November 2018. The event bringing together 60 representatives of CSO Networks from PREPARE, ALTER partner countries and local CSO from the region.
The Key themes that was discussed are: strengthening the capacity of CSOs and CSO Networks to participate actively in policy planning and implementation, to build a strong civil society in rural areas, and to enhance regional development through networking and cooperation; and Building the partnership of CSOs and CSO Networks with public institutions and their involvement in decision-making and governance processes, for the well-being of rural communities in those countries.
The participants had the opportunity to visit examples of good practice in rural development and agriculture. During the gathering following topics was discussed: Role of civic society in the Rural Policy development; Capacity building and sustainability of PREPARE Network; LEADER as a driving force for the integrated local development; Communities’ development and volunteering. For each topic were defined recommendations for future actions of CSO and CSO networks.
This multi-national thematic meeting is a part of the project “ALTER - Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas“ funded by the EU.