NAGE - Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy
Project area
Implementation dates
Duration of the project
Grant amount
Goal, activity and most important achievements
Project background
This three-year project, launched in April 2018, is implemented by 7 partner organizations from the Balkan and one EU country: Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, Croatian network for rural development, Network for Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Network of Organizations for Rural Development of Kosovo, Network for Rural Development of Montenegro, Network for Rural Development of Serbia and Albanian Network for Rural Development.
The overall objective of the project is to provide support to enhance the policy and decision-making impact of Balkan Rural Development Network (BRDN) and its constituents, through involvement in the agricultural and rural program and policy reform processes for introduction of the green economy concept.
The project has three specific objectives:
1) Strengthening of the grassroots’ CSOs capacities in generic work, advocacy and networking, to be able to sustain their role of agricultural and rural reform advocates, in transparent and accountable way;
2) Introduction of the concept of green economy as unique cross-cutting entrepreneurial model for rural diversification and sustainability;
3) BRDN and its constituents use evidence-based policy development and rights-based advocacy to foster the national EU CAP approximation processes and promote green economy.
Target group of the project are 900 grassroots’ CSOs representatives, minimum 7,000 various stakeholders, 200 grassroots CSOs, members of the partners, and minimum 70 local and national media’s representatives. Direct beneficiaries of the project are CSOs, primarily, grassroot, active in rural development and diversification, as well as in environmental protection and nature preservation. Direct end beneficiaries are rural population, farmers and agrobusinesses, as well as entrepreneurs, who want to invest in green economy businesses.
As result of the proposed action BRDN’s networking and advocacy capacities, increased recognition, broadened impact and pstrengthenedarticipation in policy decision-making processes will be strengthened.
Project status