Call for applications from civil society organizations in the field of green entrepreneurship
Network for rural development of Serbia, in front of a partner consortium, announces a call for civil society organizations (CSOs) for launch and implement green entrepreneurship projects within the project „NAGE – Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy“ funded by the European Union, and implemented by 7 partner organizations from the Balkan (Rural Development Network of North Macedonia (lead partner), Croatian network for rural development, Network for Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Network of Organizations for Rural Development of Kosovo, Network for Rural Development of Montenegro, Network for Rural Development of Serbia and Albanian Network for Rural Development).
Financial support should help to strengthen local CSOs through capacity building and implementation of their initiatives and raising awareness of the importance of a green economy and green entrepreneurship.
This Call is intended for civil society organisations working in one or several of the following thematic areas:
• sustainable development, environmental protection and climate change,
• socio-economic development,
• education,
• social policies and services,
• youth work and policies,
• women economic empowerment,
• volunteering,
• agriculture and rural development.
Application deadline: May 1, 2020 by 11:59 PM.
The right to participate in the invitation have civil society organizations from Serbia that meet the following conditions:
• the organization is registered as a legal entity under the existing laws of the Republic of Serbia,
• non-profit organizations,
• registered in the Republic of Serbia,
• registered at least 12 months prior to the deadline for submissions of project proposals,
• that the focus of action is in one or more of the thematic areas for which the call is addressed, as listed above.
Place of implementation: Project activities must be implemented on the territory of Serbia.
Total amount of grant to be awarded: 21.000 EUR.
Minimum and maximum amount of funding per project: the minimum amount of the project is EUR 3,000 and the maximum amount of the project is EUR 3,500 (co-financing by the applicant is not mandatory in this call).
Project timeframe: 3-6 months.
The application package as well as more detailed information for submitting project proposals can be found here:
1. Guidelines for Grant Applicants
2. Annex A - Grant application form
3. Аnnex B - BUDGET
4. Annex C - Legal Entity Sheet
5. Annex D - Financial identification form
6. Annex E - NAGE_draft contract
7. Annex I - Model interim and final narrative report
8. Annex II - Template of Financial Reports
9. Annex III - Standard template for transfer of ownership of assets
Questions related to the call you can ask by April 21, 2020 at the following e-mail: