Consultative meeting “Improving information of farmers, as well as improving the decision makers and small producers dialogue regarding the establishment of adequate procedures for the sale of traditional products”
On May 3rd, 2017, a consultative meeting on the topic “Improving information of farmers, as well as improving the decision makers and small producers' dialogue regarding the establishment of adequate procedures for the sale of traditional products” was held in Ljig. The meeting was attended by representatives of local institutions, CSOs, as well as people from local communities who are interested in this topic.
The meeting was organized within the framework of the project "ALTER - Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas" funded by the European Union, as part of the activities "Improving CSO cooperation with public institutions in sustainable rural development". The project is implemented at the national level by the Network for rural development of Serbia.
The main problems discussed at the meeting were:
• Poor flow of information to farmers,
• Inability to sell directly due to complicated regulations.
The participants of the meeting defined concrete proposals for solving identified problems:
• Analysis of the impact of local budgetary measures on agriculture and the design of innovative measures that support rural development investments, not just agricultural production,
• Education on the topic of uniting, joint appearances, packaging, marketing and modern channels for placing products for small producers,
• New law about small producers and direct sales tailored to real life, not the interests of "big" companies,
• Promote associations of small producers and build a trust between them.
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![Konsultativni sastanak “Unapređenje koordinacije između donosioca odluka na različitim nivoima odlučivanja i između različitih sektorskih politika u cilju unapređenja infrastrukturne opremljenosti sela” Konsultativni sastanak “Unapređenje koordinacije između donosioca odluka na različitim nivoima odlučivanja i između različitih sektorskih politika u cilju unapređenja infrastrukturne opremljenosti sela”](/sites/default/files/foto_vest/11_2019/2_2.jpg)