Consultative meeting on topic “Defining priorities of rural development of municipalities, regions and Republic of Serbia”

On November 29, 2016, in Vršac was held consultative meeting on topic “Defining priorities of rural development of municipalities, regions and Republic of Serbia”. The meeting was organized within the framework of the project "ALTER - Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas" funded by the European Union. The project is implemented at the national level by the Network for rural development of Serbia.

The meeting was attended by the actors of rural development of the South-Banat and Mid-Banat regions:
- representatives of local self-governments and relevant institutions,
- CSO representatives from rural areas,
- locals from local communities interested in the topic.

After introduction of the participants, at the meeting was presented ALTER Project (partner’s consortium, area of realization, period of realization, overall and specific goals of the project, planned activities...). The participants were briefly presented and announced the IPARD II rural development program in the Republic of Serbia.

In addition to the ALTER team representatives, a consultant / expert was present at the meeting to lead the facilitation process in order to more successfully lead the discussion and participatory participation of the participants. The participants presented their opinions on key issues in rural areas, as well as on priority topics that should be solved in order to develop rural areas.

Based on the discussion, the facilitator will gather all relevant opinions and synthesize priorities for rural development of municipalities, regions and the Republic of Serbia. On the basis of this priorities, within the ALTER activities, will be defined topics for advocacy and improving situation.


Konsultativni sastanak na temu “Definisanja prioriteta za ruralni razvoj opština, regiona i Republike Srbije”
konsultativni sastanak na temu “Definisanja prioriteta za ruralni razvoj opština, regiona i Republike Srbije”
konsultativni sastanak na temu “Definisanja prioriteta za ruralni razvoj opština, regiona i Republike Srbije”