Agro-touristic-ecological association "Za Jelasnicu" Jelasnica
Description of the association
Agro-touristic-ecological association "Za Jelašnicu" Jelašnica is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit association founded in 2011 in order to achieve goals in the field of agriculture, rural tourism and environmental protection.
The goals of the association are:
1. Sustainable development of the village Jelašnica and wider area around the Jelašnica gorge;
2. Realization of programs and projects of public interest in the field of sustainable development of rural communities, protection of natural resources and the environment, protection and promotion of human and minority rights, education, science, culture, information, consumer protection, fight against corruption, as well as humanitarian and other programs;
3. Improving viticulture, wine production and brandy, through monitoring and promoting good agricultural and environmental practices;
4. Increase the level of knowledge from all areas for which the needs of the members of the Association are indicated, through organizing professional lectures, trainings, seminars and study tours;
5. Organizing participation and going to trade fairs and exhibitions on a non-profit basis;
6. Cooperation with relevant institutions and relevant organizations.
Key words
Contact person
Contact phone