The training of trainers “Short supply chains as possibility for employment”
Two day regional training of trainers “Short supply chains as possibility for employment” was held in Chachak (Serbia) from 5th to 6th December 2018.
The training of trainers "Short supply chains as possibility for employment" organized for 12 represents from WB RD networks (2 from each country). It was 2 day training, provided by 2 trainers of Polish Rural Forum (PRF). Training provided relevant knowledge about short supply chains in agriculture and rural economy for representatives of the rural networks from Western Balkan. Trained trainers will be source of knowledge at national level and also will improve capacities of the networks to support employment marginalized groups.
The project importance reflects in the fact that is supported: networking of stakeholders from Western Balkan countries and Visegrad countries. The mentioned topics have great importance for the development of the Western Balkan and their implementation ensures the compliance with European standards and experiences.
The project is financed by the Visegrad International Fund. Its implementation is performed by the consortium of non-governmental networks and organisations from Western Balkan and Visegrad countries.