Novi Sad - Round table on the topic "Implementation of LEADER Approach at the Local Level"
On July 26, 2019, in Novi Sad was held a round table on the topic "Implementation of LEADER Approach at the Local Level".
The roundtable was jointly organized by the Network for rural development of Serbia and the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management with financially support by EU through ALTER project "Active Local Territories for Rural Economic Development" (as part of the activity "National platform for discussion about rural development policies”).
The round table was organized at the premises of the Agricultural station Novi Sad, with their assistance and assistance from the Province Secretariat for Agriculture and Rural Development.
The workshop was attended by representatives of the public, civil and business sectors. Participants had the opportunity to gain knowledge of the LEADER approach as a tool for rural development at the local level. The workshop presented the history of LEADER approache in the EU, the principles of LEADER, public private partnership - LAG, local rural development strategy, as well as experiences and problems in implementing the LEADER approach. Participants were presented the status of LEADER approach in the Republic of Serbia (LIS project, institutional framework of the Ministry of Agriculture for implementation of LEADER approach (rulebook), support to LAG initiatives by Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture…). Also, attendees were introduced with CLLD as a model used by some EU Member States to improve the effects and better use of EU funds in rural development.
Following the presentation of the LEADER approach, the public was fully presented Public call for support to programs related to the preparation of the local rural development strategies for 2019, announced by the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management.
Representatives of the Ministry presented rules and deadlines for establishing territorial partnerships. Attendees were invited to promote the Call for Proposals information in their local communities, thus animating citizens to engage in the process of establishing of public-private partnerships.