Vršac - LEADER approach as an instrument of rural development at the local level
On November 28, 2017, a workshop was held in Vršac on the topic “LEADER approach as an instrument of rural development at the local level”. The workshop was organized within the framework of the project "ALTER - Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas" funded by the European Union, as part of the activities "Promotion and support to the implementation of the LEADER approach". The project is implemented at the national level by the Network for rural development of Serbia.
The workshop was attended by representatives of the public, civil and business sectors. Participants had the opportunity to gain knowledge of the LEADER approach as a tool for rural development at the local level. The workshop presented the history of LEADER approache in the EU, the principles of LEADER, public private partnership - LAG, local rural development strategy, as well as experiences and problems in implementing the LEADER approach. Participants were presented the status of LEADER approach in the Republic of Serbia (LIS project, institutional framework of the Ministry of Agriculture for implementation of LEADER approach (rulebook), support to LAG initiatives by Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture…). Also, attendees were introduced with CLLD as a model used by some EU Member States to improve the effects and better use of EU funds in rural development.
A discussion on the LEADER approach was opened. A large number of participants are familiar with LEADER because in recent years the local initiative "Podbrdska Oaza" has been very active in this region. This initiative was established during the LIS project in 2012 and the previous 2 years have used the means of supporting the LAG initiatives by the Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. At the meeting, initiatives were initiated to establish new territorial partnerships in the Vršac region and great expectations from the LEADER approach. A number of attendees were present at study visits to the EU LAG's and they have a clear view of the functioning of the LAGs. It was noted that the successful work of the LAGs requires the support of local decision makers but also a well-educated and active governing body that will properly identify the situation on the ground and the real needs of the population.
After that, there was presented the Grant Program for Civil Society capacity building and advocacy, which is being implemented through the ALTER project. The rules and deadlines for applying for CSOs that can exclusively participate in this call are presented. The attendees were invited to provide information on the Grant Program to the CSOs that are not present at this meeting by providing them link from the ALTER project website containing all the information on the terms of participation.